How Éric Zemmour fans are mobilizing on the web

POLITICAL – “In the hierarchy of the world, the man is above the woman”. Thus speaks Thonia, influencer of extreme right , in her twenties, assiduous cyber-activist on TikTok , where it has more than 30,000 subscribers. She is one of the faces of this youth who is mobilizing on social networks to propel Éric Zemmour in the presidential election. For several months in fact, the polemicist can count on the support of these 2.0 activists, who use the codes of Internet culture to sell the candidacy of the “Z”.

Objective: to rejuvenate the image of the far-right candidate while making fun of all he has detractors. An activism focused more on the form of the message than on the substance, straight inspired by the uses of the American alt-right and the digital activism that accompanied Donald Trump’s victory in 2016.

Other times, other customs. After Facebook, things are now happening on TikTok and Instagram. These influencers of the “zemmour-sphere”, many of whom were until recently committed to the cause of Marine Le Pen, publish videos or memes glorifying the most commented outputs of the essayist, or sometimes denigrating “ the gauchos ”sometimes the“ progressives ”or“ feminists ”. Very often in a humorous tone. This is done in particular by Erga, an Internet user who, by combining TikTok and Instagram, has nearly 15,000 subscribers, or the account “ Neurchis de Zemmour” which has 36,000 followers on the counter.

All share the same conviction: the National Rally of Marine Le Pen is outdated, and all energy must be putting at the service of the polemicist. On the most influential accounts, it is not uncommon for some pastilles to exceed 50,000 views.

On the side of the official support of Eric Zemmour, this activism is greeted with enthusiasm. “Everything that is done around him, the memes, the ‘neurchi’, it gives him visibility. And that helps us to make people talk about him and to disseminate his ideas more widely on the Internet ”, welcomed recently to HuffPost Antoine Diers, spokesperson for the association Les Amis d’Éric Zemmour.

However, it is an understatement to say that certain accounts display sulphurous or conspiratorial convictions. On the Thonia page for example, several anti-health pass videos show the fake news of the anti-Covid vaccine which is “in the experimental stage” or that according to which Emmanuel Macron was not vaccinated ( which is false, its QR code having even leaked on the Internet).

“Obviously the metics or Arabs have no place in France ”

Whatever, the official contacts of the quasi-candidate drink whey . Samuel Lafont, who presents himself as director of digital communication in the mobilization of the support of Eric Zemmour, savors. “There is an emulation around his candidacy. This multiplies our strike force on the Internet. We recently saw with Papacito , or Thonia, that more and more patriotic influencers are joining us . What will push others to do the same, since it provokes a dynamic of creation ”, enthuses the one who is collaborator by Senator Les Républicains Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam .

Without blinking, Samuel Lafont affirms that the support of the polemicist is “the first of the forces of mobilization on the Internet in France”. He points to the 3000 member bar recently crossed by the Generation Z Discord server as proof. Which, in reality, is quite low. Or in any case very far from the 16,190 members of the Discord Insoumis bringing together the support of Jean- Luc Mélenchon. On this platform popular with gamers and cyber-activists (and which you were already talking about in 2017, here or


), the support of Éric Zemmour receives often instructions to put a particular hashtag on Twitter or share a particular video. A permanent invitation to a Google Doc also urges the digital troops to come and swell the ranks of poster tackers.

In short, classic cyber-militancy, to which are added conversations with broken sticks, giving rise to frankly xenophobic, even racist remarks. “Honestly, from experience, blacks are a lot more annoying than Arabs,” wrote a member of the “Generation Z” Discord, before adding: “believe me, when we are going to have deliveries from Sudanese and Nigerians, we will regret our magrhébix (sic) ”.

An isolated case? Not at all. “Obviously there is no place for metics or Arabs in France,” writes another, when one of his fellows asserts that Muslims cannot be trusted who, “in their culture and in their genes practice taqya and lying ”. Words that contrast with the showcase of a clean youth promoted by the leaders of “Generation Z” on the TV sets or social networks.

It is not only in the back room of pro-Zemmour activism that we find references to the worst of the extreme right. To carry out the process of popularization of the essayist, his supporters produce derivative products, such as clothes that can be found worn by Generation Z activists. And in particular those of “ZemmourWave”, whose merchant site link appears on the TikTok page of Thonia. T-shirts, Donald Trump-style caps, mugs, posters … Various products to the glory of the essayist, which notably take up his language tics, such as “well see”, very popular with fans of Eric Zemmour.

Supremacist codes

A medley of winks, some of which come directly from the American extreme right. This is particularly the case of the “French Boy Summer” t-shirt, whose graphics and motto are a direct reference to the “White Boy Summer” meme. A slogan prized by American supremacists, taken from the words of Chet Hanks, son of actor Tom Hanks, on his “summer of young white”. “The expression is associated with a multitude of memes bearing neo-Nazi symbols, glorifying Adolf Hitler, Dylann Roof – the perpetrator of the Charleston massacre – or Derek Chauvin, the police officer convicted of the murder of George Floyd”, wrote in the month July Release about this phenomenon, which the Zemmour galaxy takes up without the slightest complex. Nor the slightest modesty.

“We see it as a strategic weapon, a ‘coolifying’ soft power, we want to donate the profits to the countryside. We are militants above all, so we are particularly keen on it ”, explains Élise, presented as one of the managers of ZemmourWave, in a live on YouTube of September 21 devoted to the candidacy of the polemicist. The interested party claims “an offbeat and cool tone” aiming to install “a positive image” of the putative candidate.

In reality, the porosity of this environment with the fringe the most extreme hate online is no surprise. Since the rumor of the hypothesis of his candidacy, Eric Zemmour collects the sulphurous supports, of the theorist of the Great replacement Renaud Camus at far-right youtubeur Papacito , who is under investigation after the broadcast of a video mimicking the murder of a rebellious activist . A fair return of the device finally, so much the admiration between the latter and Eric Zemmour is reciprocal .

In any case, these mobilization efforts are not in vain. According to the Observatory of political figures

from the influencer marketing company Favikon, Éric Zemmour’s influence on the Internet increased by 85% in one month, placing the polemicist just behind Emmanuel Macron. Well then.

Also on HuffPost: Emmanuel Macron criticizes Éric Zemmour without naming him on “French first names”

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