How long Laschet remains | Withdrawal yes, but
on installments .. .
And what if Jamaica still works?
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Article from: Florian Kain, Ralf Schuler, Peter Tiede and Hans-Jörg Vehlewald published on
He gives up. But there remains a withdrawal in installments …
CDU boss Armin Laschet (60) has announced his willingness to vacate his offices and move to one after the massive internal party criticism of his election campaign Successor “to moderate”.
“I want to propose to the party’s committees that a party congress be convened,” Laschet said on Thursday in a short-term statement at the party headquarters. It will be about “the personal processing” of the election disaster – i.e. about HIS successor.
Latch also made it clear: If the FDP and the Greens are ready to negotiate an alliance with the Union, then “the great Jamaica project will not fail because of individuals”. The failed candidate: “It’s not about the person Armin Laschet.”
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That can only mean: For a coalition with the Greens and FDP, he would give up his CDU post if necessary – and thus also forego the Chancellery. Laschet left open in his rambling explanation WHEN and HOW a new CDU and negotiating chief could quickly be appointed by the party.
According to BILD information, BEFORE Laschet’s declaration, the exhibition hall in Dresden was blocked for a possible CDU federal party conference for a possible CDU federal party conference – for safety’s sake, as BILD was confirmed from the party.
Before his statement, Armin Laschet had previously been accused internally by long-time companions, his candidacy for chancellor contrary to the opinion of the grassroots and To have pushed through in ignorance of the very good opinion polls for CSU boss Markus Söder. Because he was sure that it would be enough anyway.
But then there was no campaign concept , topics, especially memorable messages.
Laschet had recently hoped that he would holds in office until a Jamaica alliance is possibly formed. Now he could end up like the failed SPD chancellor candidate Martin Schulz as a simple member of the Bundestag.
BECAUSE: Laschet will also give up his job as head of government in North Rhine-Westphalia. CDU economic expert Friedrich Merz, who recently also distanced himself from Laschet, tweeted: “Armin Laschet is clearing the way for the CDU to start again today. For this he deserves respect, thanks and great recognition. I will do my best to find an amicable way to do this, which is also approved by our members. “
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