How many times a day do you burp and fart? Up to 30 times, have to see a doctor?

According to the results of a survey on British and American people published recently, up to 80% number of participants with symptoms related to flatulence.

Stomach rumbling (60%), belching (58%) and bad breath (48%) during the day were also common.

Research from the Rome Foundation Research Institute in the US shows that it is normal for you to experience bloating every day, but there are also people who suffer from this condition. this is too much.

Research shows that people who experience bloating are more likely to experience depression, stress, and anxiety.

Always feeling bloated is not only annoying, but it can also disrupt your social life, relationships, or make you feel sick. feel confident.

Professor Olafur Palsson from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, said: “People who experience this common gut symptom have high levels of depression, anxiety and stress, as well as a decrease in overall quality of life.”

What makes you fart and burp?

Everybody has gas in their digestive tract, with the two main sources being food and swallowed air. As a result, the amount of gas that accumulates from person to person varies greatly.

NHS (National Health Service in the United Kingdom) says The average person excretes about a liter of gas in the intestines every day.

Foods that produce more gas during digestion include broccoli, apples, pears, breads, cereals and noodles.

Swallowing air – eating too quickly or smoking, for example – can make someone more prone to burping or gas.

How much should you burp and fart?

According to the NHS, the average person farts between 5 and 15 times a day. A “normal” amount is different for everyone, and it can change daily depending on what you eat.

And belching is different, each person is different and can normally happen up to 30 times a day, both voiceless and voiced, according to the Experts.

It is normal for belching to occur after eating or drinking. Fatty drinks are the main culprits for belching, as are the foods listed above.

When should you see a doctor?

Một ngày bạn ợ hơi và xì hơi bao nhiêu lần? Đến 30 lần liệu đã phải gặp bác sĩ? - Ảnh 1.

IBS, celiac disease, and lactose intolerance can all cause additional bloating. Common symptoms can also include diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and feeling nauseous. These diseases are completely controllable.

Some Other symptoms related to your toilet habits may signal a more serious problem. For example, persistent bloating is a sign of cancer ovaries, while blood in your stool could be bowel cancer.

When it comes to belching, GP Philippa Kaye tells The Sun: “If you start to burp more than usual or feel it pain, see your doctor. It could be acid reflux or inflammation of the stomach lining.”

Acid reflux can give you a burning sensation in your throat because it’s basically stomach acid backing up into your esophagus.

More seriously, a hiatal hernia can be the source of your belching, especially if you’re over 50 years old. That’s when part of the stomach moves up to the chest, causing belching, bloating, chest pain (sour heartburn/acid reflux), bad breath, and trouble swallowing.

These same symptoms can also signal stomach cancer.

However, burping alone is rarely a sign of a serious problem.

It’s usually the result of swallowing too much air when eating, so the first thing you can try is to eat slower and make sure that your mouth stays closed while chewing.

How can you reduce farting and burping?

Eat smaller, more frequent meals

Drink or chew food slowly

Exercise regularly to improve the way your body spends chemical food

Drink mint tea

Do not chew gum, smoke or suck on sweets

Do not wear dentures loose

Do not eat too many foods that are difficult to digest and cause farting

Never ignore the following symptoms

One day you may burp or fart more than is normal for you. Don’t worry, as this is normal. The NHS and Mayo Clinic say you should see a doctor if:

You have stomach pain or bloating that doesn’t go away

You continue to have constipation or diarrhea

You have lost weight without trying

There is blood in your stool

Your stool has changed in color or frequency

You are anorexic or full quickly

You have problems swallowing

You have a swollen mass…

*According to TheSun

Thanh Ha

According to Young Intellectuals

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