How to create floating windows on your Xiaomi: a MIUI trick to use two apps at the same time

MIUI, either in its version 12 or the latest, MIUI 13, comes loaded with functions that, in many times, they are not too easy to find. This is the case of floating windows, an option that becomes more visible with MIUI 13 but, while it arrives, we can enjoy it in MIUI 12 by taking a few steps.

By creating floating windows we can use apps without them occupying the entire screen , something especially useful with applications from messaging, in case we want to leave a chat open but we want to continue using another app at the same time.

This is how you can create floating windows in MIUI 13

Ventana Flotante

Floating apps are a different concept than split screen apps. With the apps in this mode, we have the screen divided into two, with two identical portions for each app. However, the floating windows can be moved to our liking around the screen , to place them in the area we want.

With MIUI 13, just slide over the small sidebar to bring up the menu of apps compatible with the split window. You just have to click on any of them to start using them. It is a very fast process, but in MIUI 12 we can also do it.

Probamos MIUI 12.5, la gran actualización de Xiaomi mejora el rendimiento y renueva su diseño

And so you can create floating windows in MIUI 12

Miui 12

In some versions of MIUI 12.5 you will be able to invoke the floating windows with the sidebar but, if it is not In this case, we are going to show you a method that works on all Xiaomi with MIUI 12. It is somewhat more hidden, but it is quite easy.

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