How to defeat Dondozo and Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Screenshot by Gamepur

There are five titans that you will have to battle against in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet to earn Herba Mystica, a rare plant in the Paldea region. The False Dragon Titan is likely one of the last Titan you will battle against given its overall strength. How you go about defeating this Pokémon can be challenging, so we recommend ensuring your team is ready to defeat it. Here’s what you need to know to defeat Dondozo and Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

How to beat Dondozo, the False Dragon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

When you arrive at the site to battle with the False Dragon, you will see multiple Tatsugiri on the island. You want to find the largest one among them. The largest one is the correct Titan Pokémon that you need to be battling against. Once you click on that Tatsugiri, it dives into the water and a Dondozo emerges, and you will need to battle against it.

Related: Where to find Rellor in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Screenshot by Gamepur

Dondozo is a Water-type Pokémon. It will be weak against Electric and Grass-type moves and resistant against Fire, Water, Ice, and Steel-type attacks. We recommend using a Grass-type Pokémon with Grass moves to do the most damage against it during the battle. However, it has a few normal-type moves that could prove problematic for you during the encounter.

Screenshot by Gamepur

After beating it once, Dondozo will swim away, and you will need to find it again. It will be further west, on the island closer to the lake’s center. The Tatsugiri will jump out of Dondozo’s mouth, and rush into the cave before returning to the Dondozo. You will need to battle in a second phase against this Pokémon. There will be a third phase for you to fight against.

How to defeat Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan

The final phase of this encounter features Tatsugiri, the other False Dragon Titan. This is the Pokémon that had been controlling the Dondozo, and you will need to beat it. Tatsugiri is a Dragon and Water-type Pokémon, making it weak against Dragon and Fairy-type moves, but it is resistant against Fire, Water, and Steel-type attacks. You don’t have too many options for beating this Pokémon, but Dragon and Fairy-type will be your best bet.

Screenshot by Gamepur

Upon defeating Tatsugiri, the encounter will be over, and you can earn the Herba Mystica.

Screenshot by Gamepur

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