How to Download Instagram Stories on HP Easily and Without Applications

How to download Instagram stories on cellphones is very easy. You can use the help of the application or not according to your wishes. You can do everything well and quickly.

Instastory usually contains videos, photos, and text. Instastory usually has a viewing time of 24 hours. After the viewing time for 24 hours is up, the instastory will be deleted automatically.

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Now there is an easy way for you to download the instastory. So that you can enter the HP gallery without the help of an application. That way, it will be easier for you to save it anytime.

This is How to Download Instagram Instastory on HP Without Application

Instagram has a story feature which is usually useful for sharing daily activities. Because there is no feature to download or save the instastory, everyone can only see it. But now downloading instastory is not impossible.

Sometimes a good instastory attracts someone to download it. By taking advantage of technological advances, now you can download them easily and briefly.

The process is not complicated and certainly gives maximum results. You don't need to download apps that consume storage. Now there is a simpler way, namely:

How to Save IG Story with

First, you can use the way to download Instagram stories on your cellphone through trusted sites. One of them is a site called StoriesIG. The use of the site is very easy and suitable for beginners.

The step you must take is to open the official website of StoriesIG via the link You can open the site using a trusted and capable browser.

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Then you can enter the IG username of someone whose story is want you to download. Then press search to perform a search. After that, you can choose an IG post or story and download it easily.

How to download Instagram stories on your cellphone is very fast. You just need to wait for the download process to finish and enter the gallery. You can even do this method using PC media.

In addition to using the previous site, you can take advantage of this one site. The system is the same from the previous site which offers a way to save IG stories online. You can do it very easily without using an application.

The first step you have to do is open a browser. After that, you can visit the InstagramSave site via the link. You need to type in the IG username of someone who has an interesting story.

The simplest thing is to just click the download stories button. You will get a choice of Download Mp4 or JPG. It all depends on the type of story in the post.

How to Download Story IG Via

There is a way to download Instagram stories on mobile using the Instadp site. You only need to visit the site and enter a user account that has an interesting instastory.

To visit the site, you need to log in to a trusted browser. Then type If you are already at the beginning of the site, you can enter your username.

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After that, go to section stories and there are many user-generated stories. Choose the instastory you want At the bottom there is a download menu that you can use to save the instastory.

Download Snap IG Using Chrome IG Story

How to download Instagram stories on your cellphone, you can use other alternatives. You can use the help of Google extensions. Its name is Chrome IG Story which is definitely safe and official.

You can use the site on your cellphone or PC. The step, you have to open a browser. Then visit the site

After that, you can install Chrome by clicking Added to Chrome. Then open Instagram via the Chrome browser. Then login with your account.

Open someone else's instastory and you can download it. You just need to wait a few moments until the download process is complete. After that, you can view it on your cellphone gallery.

Those are some ways to download Instagram stories on your cellphone that make it easier for you to save them to the gallery. In a simple way, everything can run smoothly. You can also enjoy other people's stories freely. (R10/HR-Online)

Editor : Adi Karyanto

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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