How to Keep Your Dog or Cat Safe From Coyotes

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Photo: Matt Knoth (Shutterstock)

Though we may associate coyotes with the desert, or the mountains—or wherever roadrunners live—there’s a good chance they’re in or near your area. It doesn’t matter whether you live in the suburbs, the country, or even in a city, because coyotes are quite adaptable and can make their home in a variety of climates.

And don’t think that just because you haven’t seen a coyote in your own backyard that you live in a coyote-free zone. According to the Humane Society of the United States, the reason we typically don’t see coyotes in our area is because they tend to only come out at night to hunt small critters like mice, voles, and rabbits.

But, they can also easily make a meal out of a cat or smaller dog. If your local TV news channel does a segment on coyote sightings, that’s probably what happened. Here’s how to keep your dog or cat safe from coyotes (and the local news).

Don’t let them out at night without you

As the Humane Society notes, the best way to keep your dog or cat safe from coyotes is not to let them go outside without being there to watch them—especially at night.

Be extra careful during mating season

As it turns out, there’s typically a spike in coyote sightings at this time of year. That’s because coyote breeding season starts in the middle of January and lasts through the end of February. So, right now.

“As animals are going through their breeding courtship and being territorial, they tend to be more visible as they’re moving around with their mates,” Brett Beatty, the supervisor for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Division of Wildlife Wildlife Management, told WCPO.

Don’t leave your pet’s food outside

If your pet has the option of dining al fresco, be sure to bring their food and water dishes inside at night. Otherwise, you’re basically welcoming the coyotes into your yard for a snack, and chances are, they’ll be back.

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