How to reset your AirPods if they won't sync or charge?

Comment réinitialiser vos AirPods s’ils ne se synchronisent ou ne se rechargent pas ?

Apple AirPods are among the most popular Bluetooth headphones around. Very practical, they synchronize easily with your devices in an intuitive way. But like any technology, after a while, they may fail to fail.

Among the problems that AirPods users often encounter is the synchronization concern, especially when the AirPods have been associated with multiple devices. Sometimes there is also a problem with their recharging capacity.


If your AirPods have this kind of problem or do not work as well as before, try resetting first. It won’t take you much time and it will save you money.

Resetting AirPods or AirPods Pro

To get started, put the AirPods back in their case and close the cover for at least 30 seconds. Then open the cover when you are ready.

On your phone, open the application and click Settings, then Bluetooth. In the list that appears, find the name of your AirPods and tap the ʺ i ʺ icon to its right.

To have your AirPods removed from the list of devices recognized by your phone, go to the Bluetooth settings menu and choose the ʺ Forget this device ʺ option.

While keeping the case of your AirPods open, press the configuration button located at back for about 15 seconds. Hold it down until the indicator light flashes orange.

By following the instructions that appear on your phone screen, you will be able to reconfigure your AirPods as you did the first time.

Resetting AirPods Max

Before resetting your headphones, please charge them for a few minutes first.

At the top of one of the earmuffs there are two buttons: the Digital Crown and the Noise Control button. Hold them down until the indicator light at the bottom of the same earmuff flashes orange.

To restore factory settings, press both buttons for 15 seconds. When the flashing turns white, you will be able to link your AirPods Max to your phone and iCloud account as if you just had them.

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