Howard Stern criticises Russian President Vladimir Putin for military operation on Ukraine

Reported By: DNA Web Team| Edited By: DNA Web Team |Source: ANI |Updated: Mar 01, 2022, 08:19 PM IST

American radio and TV personality Howard Stern, during Monday’s episode of his SiriusXM radio show, launched an attack against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to Variety, Stern condemned members of the Republican Party for supporting Putin amid Russia’s military operation on Ukraine, most notably Donald Trump. While, at CPAC over the weekend, Trump had said that Russia’s attack on Ukraine is “appalling,” he was quoted last week calling Putin a “genius” for how he started the military operation.

Stern said, “I hate the Soviet Union. I hate the communist regime. I always hated communism because it always turns into an autocratic situation like in China where they cut off your freedoms.”

“I used to love the Republicans. And their stance is firmly anti-communist, pro-capitalist, anti-communist, and certainly a staunch defender of free people and free elections. I voted for many Republicans. I don’t see how I’ll ever get back to that,” he added. Stern further continued, “They’ve just totally disappointed me and their support of Vladimir Putin, the praise they heap on him. Trump’s praise of Vladimir Putin. This guy’s a fug animal. I wish he was dead like I wish Hitler was dead.”

He then called Putin a “scumbag” who “has more money than anybody, who has more power than anybody, who enslaves an entire country, who will kill you if you’re a journalist, will kill you if you speak out against him, who’s got everything a man could want if you’re truly a megalomaniac and he didn’t have enough.”

Stern stated that Putin’s actions are a result of him “not being loved as a child.” “He is a little boy who says, ‘Everything in this world is for me, and I’m going to gobble it all up for myself’. That’s all that’s going on here. That’s what’s happening. We have a guy who feels like he`s never full. He wants more and more,” Stern concluded, as per Variety. 

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