HoYoverse’s Honkai: Star Rail may soon arrive on Xbox and Switch

The global revenue of miHoYo’s Honkai Star Rail exceeded $500 million.

The global revenue of miHoYo’s Honkai Star Rail exceeded $500 million. Credit: miHoYo

Chinese game developer HoYoverse showcased the latest trailer of Honkai: Star Rail at Sony’s State of Play event on September 14, announcing its PlayStation 5 version’s launch date on October 11. Currently, the game is available on mobile platforms and Windows PCs since its global release in April. However, the local media outlet IThome asserted on Monday that Honkai: Star Rail is expected to land on Xbox and Switch, as the new Sony trailer demonstrated a notification stating “console exclusive for a limited time.” Additionally, mobile players have spent $500 million on Honkai: Star Rail from its release date on April 26 to July 31, according to intelligence firm Sensor Tower.[[IThome, in Chinese]

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