Huge acquisition in gaming: Farmville creator Zinga was acquired for $ 12.7 billion

The buyer is Take To Interactive, the computer game giant that developed GTA ■ Zynga stock jumps 45%

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Updated on: 12.01.2022 19:52 Mark Pincus, CEO of Zynga. The company was acquired for $ 12.7 billion Reuters

Zynga, the computer games company that developed Farmville, one of the popular games of the early 21st century, will be acquired by its larger competitor, Take to Interactive, for $ 12.7 billion. Zynga was a huge success on Facebook, and at one time was the most popular app on the platform. However, its stock has fallen 38% in the past year. The deal represents a $ 9.86 price per share, 64% higher than Zynga’s closing price on Friday, and the stock is up 45% in trading. Take-Two, the developer of Grand Taft Auto (GTA) and the owner of the online sports games (esport) 2K league, is down 14%. Under the terms of the transaction, Zynga’s shareholders will receive $ 3.50 in cash and upon closing the transaction will receive $ 6.36 …


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