Hugo Chávez Arévalo appointed as general manager of Petroperú

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the state company Petróleos del Perú (Petroperú) held today appointed Hugo Ángel Chávez Arévalo as general manager of this institution as of October 8 of this year .

Chávez Arévalo is an economist graduated from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, graduated from the Master’s in Economics and with PhD studies in Economics with a major in Global Economic Management from the same superior house of studies.

He is also an expert in economic, financial, administrative and commercial matters, with extensive experience in the public and private sectors.

He has been Head of the Office of Advisors of the Economic Commission of the Congress of the Republic, in which the approval of Law 28840 was achieved: Law of Strengthening and Modernization of the Petroleos del Peru Company (Petroperú). Regional Ministry of Energy and Mines of the Regional Government of Áncash and since September 16 he has been director of Petroperú.

Likewise, Petroperú indicated that Alfredo Coronel Escobar, who was occupying the position of general manager as manager, will become part of the team of advisers of the new general manager.

More in Andina :

More than 342,000 visitors would be mobilized by holiday long, estimated the @ MINCETUR ??

— Andean Agency (@Agency_Andina) October 7, 2021


Posted: 10/7/2021

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