IBGE deletes tweet about shrimp and claims “unfortunate coincidence” with Bolsonaro


Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) deleted from its social networks this Thursday ( 6) a post with data on shrimp production in Brazil. The post generated controversy because it was created on the same day that President Jair Bolsonaro’s doctor revealed that the cause of the president’s intestinal obstruction was a bad shrimp. chewed.

“#Shrimp fried, stewed, in the bobó … Jeez, it’s done anyway! There’s even gum, you know? There in the Northeast, responsible for 99.6% of the country’s production. Aracati (CE) is the largest producer, with 3,900 tons”, said a post made on Wednesday with data from the IBGE’s Municipal Livestock Research.

The IBGE claimed that the publication was already scheduled to be published on the networks since the previous week and that there was an “unfortunate coincidence” with Bolsonaro’s health status.

“Given the repercussion out of the intended context with the post, it was decided to withdraw it from social media. Although the facts raised so far show that it was an unfortunate coincidence, the IBGE Directorate will promote the investigation of the facts”, said the institute.

Shrimp bomb on social media

Bolsonaro’s eagerness to swallow the shrimp without chewing made the president rush to hospital and Vila Nova Star hospital to send a plane to the Bahamas to fetch the doctor, who interrupted his vacation. Although the president’s intestines have already recovered, the disruption caused by the shrimp caused a wave of memes on social media.

Check the full IBGE note

Last Wednesday, a post from the series “Did you know?” was published on the official channels of the IBGE, with the theme about production shrimp in the Northeast. The data in the post referred to the 2020 Municipal Livestock Production survey.

The series “Did You Know?” started in July 2021 and highlights curious aspects generated based on research and studies published by the IBGE.

The subjects that are the themes of this series are defined and programmed in advance. The post published last Wednesday, according to the area responsible for social media, had been scheduled since last week.

In view of the repercussion outside the intended context with the post, it was decided to withdraw it from social media. Although the facts raised so far show that it was an unfortunate coincidence, the IBGE Management will promote the investigation of the facts.

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