IDC: MediaTek now the biggest Android chipset supplier in the US

According to a new report from the IDC, MediaTek is now the number one chipset supplier for Android phones sold during Q4 2021 period in the US. Based on that report, MediaTek gets 48.1% of the market while Qualcomm is left with 43.9% of the pie. IDC claims MediaTek’s success is built on the back of solid sales figures for Samsung’s Galaxy A12 and Galaxy A32 as well as Motorolla’s G Pure and Dimensity powered carrier phones from T-Mobile and Boost mobile.

IDC: MediaTek now the main chipset supplier for Android phones in the US

There’s a countering statement from Counterpoint Research, though, which claims in its report that Qualcomm still holds a 55% share of Android phones in the US compared to 37% for MediaTek. It remains to be seen how the two makers will fare going forward but MediaTek is surely on the rise in the low and midrange Android segments and its newly announced Dimensity 8000 series chips will likely contribute to its growing presence in the US and other markets.

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