'If they come out, you will know..' Priyanka Gandhi attacked Akhilesh

Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra in Lakhimpur violence case Has demanded a fair investigation and also demanded the resignation of the Union Minister of State for Home, but in the meantime he also attacked former Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav. In a special conversation with Aaj Tak, attacking Akhilesh Yadav’s statement that I do not want to speak on Priyanka, she stays in the room, saying, ‘If she comes out, then you will know where I live. But when have you seen him on the road in one and a half years. I have seen or not.’ See what else Priyanka Gandhi said.

Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra met the families of farmers who were killed during Sunday’s clashes on Wednesday evening. Eight people were killed in violence during a protest against the farm laws in Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Kheri. Four of the dead were farmers who were allegedly knocked down by vehicles driven by BJP workers. On this Priyanka Gandhi Vadra talks exclusively with AajTak.

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