If things don't go well, they will be purged. Extensive changes await the police

The first names have already been announced by the interim chief Hamran.

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Poverený policajný prezident Štefan Hamran. Authorized Police President Štefan Hamran. (Source: SME – JOZEF JAKUBČO)

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BRATISLAVA. Instead of cleansing the system, they started a war in the security forces. A year and a half after the new government took office, hard purges are finally coming to hit the police and possibly the police.

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The extent of the purge was indicated by government parties as early as Thursday, when parliament approved an amendment to the law that would allow, for example, police officials to be recalled without cause.

The first personnel changes were outlined by the interim police president on Friday

Stefan Hamran . The boss ends NAKA Eva Kurrayová and at the end of the year both police vice presidents Jana Maškarová and Róbert Bozalka. Selected regional police directors or NAKA branch management will change Related Article Related article New Hamran Police Chief: Inspectorate has seen almost nothing so far, today wants to see everything Read

“The police force is being cleaned from top to bottom, because you have the most political nominees there . And believe me, there is interest in those functions, “Hamran explains.

So far, it is only known that Kurray’s successor in NAKA will be long-time investigator Branislav Kišš, who, according to Hamran, is an expert on transnational investigation teams. For example, he was involved in the discovery of the largest drug case in our country called Venal, which was an attack on the Sered drug gang. He says he has several selected candidates. It does not hide major changes from the eight regional directors.

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