Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff had a book project with Pope Francis

DEATH – Igor Bogdanoff died this Monday, January 3 at the age of 72 , less than ” a week after his brother Grichka, both as a result of contamination with Covid-19 according to relatives.

The twins, who were television stars of the 80s for launching the first science fiction show in France – Time X were to revive it soon on C8 .

This is not the only project on which the two brothers were planking. As revealed by Le Parisien , the Bogdanoffs were also working on the writing of a book, for which the Pope was to participate François.

“They wanted to write the sequel to their biggest success ( Dieu et la science ), thirty years later ”, thus entrusts their agent to the daily site , Damien Nougarede. “By recounting the place of God in science and the place of science in religion. For that, they even planned to involve Pope Francis, whom they were to meet in the coming months. ”

“ Their manuscript was well advanced. They had been working there for years. Grichka started a sentence and Igor finished it ”, according to the agent.

Always with the Parisian , their editor Guy Trédaniel confirms, indicating that “it was gradually taking shape”. He adds that a comic book project for children was also in the works and specifies that “about fifty episodes” of the new version of the show Temps X had already been written.

See also on Le HuffPost : Death of Grichka Bogdanoff: back about his television career

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