“I'm 25 and I'm on the verge of burnout, I can't afford to rest”


»I am 25 years old and I am finishing my studies with master’s thesis. At the same time, I have two student jobs that I do from home, and I am looking for a regular job. ”

Fotografija: Izgorelost. FOTO: Mangostar, Shutterstock

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Burnout. PHOTO: Mangostar, Shutterstock

External collaborator info@slovenskenovice.si

07.10.2021 at 20:00

External collaborator info@slovenskenovice.si

07.10.2021 at 20:00


Reading time: 1:01 min.

»The financial situation is far from optimal, but my boyfriend and I are still trying to move this year on our own, and we are planning a wedding next year. At home, I take on the role of housewife and look after my niece several times a week. In addition to the above, I try to be physically active every day (with exercise, walks …), get enough sleep and spend an hour for mental health. However, it is obvious that I am fighting a battle on more fronts than I can … ”

Read the reader’s confession and the expert’s advice at Onaplus.si .


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