In Algeria, “we repress democratically” (Algerian media)

In Algeria, the repression is “democratic” and the servitude is voluntarily granted by the former supporters of the former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, joined by a series of upstarts penetrated by a very interested nationalism, denounces the newspaper “Le Matin d’Algérie”. takes pleasure in the servitude and outrageous repression of dissenting voices, the regime in place will not back down from any maneuver to domesticate the people of Hirak ”, notes the media.

He explains that “under the vertical reign of a Tebboune more authoritarian than ever, the spring of 2019 gave birth to a winter of freedoms”, continues the newspaper in a contribution entitled “Silence, we repress democratically !!!! ”.

He explains that failing to apply the terms of the Constitution which he had voted, he is working to unravel the last acquired ar redeemed by the blood of the victims of October 1988, noting that dearly paid freedoms are called into question.

The country is not living at the rate of insolent economic growth, but that of the arrests of citizens in love with profound changes, arbitrary condemnations and daily admonitions, he regrets.

According to the same source, nothing new in the “new Algeria”. She recalls that this week was again marked by numerous “preventive” arrests which ended up being placed under a committal warrant for some or under judicial supervision for others.

“Of course, the forms were respected and the methods used very democratic !!!”, quips the media.

While citing cases of arbitrary arrests in Algeria , the newspaper notes that the 220 prisoners of conscience, who languish in Algerian jails , do not seem to arouse any shame in this regime which cynically claims to be democratic.

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