In early October, TV panel quotations continued to fall by 32 and 43 inches and fell back to the same period last year

The price of TV panels continues to fall. Witsview, a subsidiary of the market research agency, TrendForce, today (5) announced the price of panels for early October, full-size TVs Panel prices continued to fall. Large size 55 and 65 inches fell 4-8% in the past two weeks, and 32 and 42 inches fell 8-9%. Not only did the downward trend continue, the prices of the latter two sizes also fell back to the same period last year and were eaten up in one quarter. In the three quarters, the decline was fierce. As for IT panels such as monitors and laptops, the price increase in October continued to converge, and the quotations have been flat at the end of the previous month.

According to Witsview statistics, the price of 55- and 65-inch medium and large panels in early October was 170, 238 US dollars , a decrease of 4-8% compared to the end of last month (the same below); the average price of 32- and 43-inch TVs is 51, 92 US dollars , down 8-9%.

It is worth noting that panel prices have weakened since July. In just 3 months, prices have fallen back to the same period last year or even at the beginning of the year. 55-inch quotations Has fallen below the 172 U.S. dollars in December last year, and the 65-inch has also fallen below 240 in February this year The US dollar , and may continue to fall.

As for the 32-inch and 43-inch TV panel quotations, the decline was even more tragic, and all fell back to the same period last year. In early October last year, the quotations for each size were 52, 92 U.S. dollar , which means that it has eaten up the gains of the past three quarters in just one season.

In the past three months, the prices of 32- and 43-inch panels have fallen by 42% and 33%, and panels over 55-inch have fallen by more than 20%. Panels have fallen again. Urgent and fierce.

Qiu Yubin, vice president of research of the TrendForce Optoelectronics Division, said that due to the continued slowdown in procurement by TV brand manufacturers, the full-size TV panels in the third quarter have been reversed. In August and September, some sizes even experienced larger declines. Although some manufacturers plan to adjust their production capacity, the decline in demand for terminal TVs is expected to remain the same in October as September.

Qiu Yubin pointed out that the current TV panel continues to be dominated by the buyer’s market, and the short-term price decline trend is expected to remain unchanged, but including BOE, Huaxing Optoelectronics, LGD, Huike, etc. Plan to adjust production capacity or slow down the pace of new production construction, and strive to slow down the impact of price declines in the fourth quarter. In addition, China’s recent energy consumption dual-control power curtailment policy estimates that the short-term impact on the operation of the panel factory itself will be limited.

On the other hand, IT panels also showed signs of weakness. In the first half of October, the prices of monitors and laptop panels of various sizes only maintained the level at the end of last month, and the mainstream Chromebook size was 11.6. Inch laptop panels also continued to fall by 0.6 US dollars .

Looking forward to October, Qiu Yubin believes that the display panel will weaken with the TV panel, and the price of some sizes may reverse in October. As for the notebook panel It is still expected to be relatively supportive driven by the demand for commercial and high-end products. It is expected that mainstream sizes such as 14.6 and 15 inches can still maintain a small increase of 0.5-1 U.S. dollars in October .

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