In Lviv, on October 6, the street will be closed for traffic. Beekeeping

Tomorrow evening st. The apiary will be partially blocked for traffic.

As reported “Warta 1” in LMKP “Lvivvodokanal”, tomorrow, October 6, at 21.00 traffic on the street. Pasichna (near the intersection of Luhansk, Zelena and Pasichna) will be blocked for traffic in connection with the emergency repair of the water supply system.

«At night, October 6, from 21.00 our workers will carry out emergency repairs on the street. Zelena, 251 (intersection with Pasichna Street) on a water supply system with a diameter of 500 mm, which is laid under the road surface. In order not to block the road during the day, the works will be carried out at night. Approximately the work will be completed by 08.00 am on October 7. After the completion of the works, the traffic will be resumed, ”Lvivvodokanal reported.

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