In order to pay for health care, Vilhena asks for help to put an end to a drama that has lasted for 13 years.

Genivaldo Ribeiro de Sena/Photo: Extra from Rondônia

After suffering a serious accident, which, among several sequelae, made him unable to urinate due to the laceration of part of the urethra, close to the bladder, former truck driver Genivaldo Ribeiro de Sena, 49, he asks for help to be able to pay for a surgery that can put an end to his suffering that has lasted 13 years. hardware of the vehicle he was driving in the accident he suffered, Genivaldo had a large part of his bowel crushed and, through several unsuccessful surgeries, he lost the connection between the urethra and the bladder, living ever since with a urostomy bag.

However, this is not the most uncomfortable situation that he has been suffering and that in fact makes it impossible for him to work. Its biggest drama is that at the place where the bag was connected to empty the bladder, a hernia started, where the intestine is totally exposed, causing bleeding, pain and a great risk of infection.

As surgery to correct the hernia is not performed in the State of Rondônia, Genilvaldo was referred by SUS to the city of Curitiba (PR), but the costs to stay there are covered of the patient, which he does not have, despite being retired, as he has already taken out loans to pay for one of the many surgeries he has already undergone, having no more credit margin and surviving with only R$ 400.00 left over. .

Anyone who can and is interested in helping Genilvaldo, who developed the art of painting in order to guarantee an extra income, can donate any value through the PIX (email) or buy one of their screens on Avenida 15 de November 2579, Downtown.

For more information about Genivaldo’s situation, just get in touch with him at (69) 99328-2390.

Despite being strong, the dissemination of the images below was allowed by Genivaldo to show the situation in which he lives. “I just want help to live with a little more dignity”, reported the former truck driver.

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