IN PICTURES | Nelson Mandela Bay matriculants celebrate

21 January 2022 – 17:38 By HeraldLIVE

Sanctor High School 2021 matriculants Teanah Goliath,18, Lujean Hamman, 17, and Ashleigh Herman,18, excitedly study their results outside the school on Friday.

Sanctor High School 2021 matriculants Teanah Goliath,18, Lujean Hamman, 17, and Ashleigh Herman,18, excitedly study their results outside the school on Friday.

Tears of joy and screams of delight were shared as nervous Nelson Mandela Bay matriculants collected their report cards, signalling the start of a new phase in their lives.

St Thomas High School pupils Melanie Smith, 19, Chloe Geldenhuys,18, Raven Kiewiets,19, Tamzin Furst, 17, and Amber Brown, 18, celebrate after receiving their matric results.

St Thomas High School pupils Melanie Smith, 19, Chloe Geldenhuys,18, Raven Kiewiets,19, Tamzin Furst, 17, and Amber Brown, 18, celebrate after receiving their matric results.

St Thomas High School twins Cleo, left, and Chloe Meyer, 18, give principal Jackie Gorgonzola a bouquet of flowers to say thank you.

St Thomas High School twins Cleo, left, and Chloe Meyer, 18, give principal Jackie Gorgonzola a bouquet of flowers to say thank you.

Matrics at EZ Kabane High School in Kwamagxaki dance for joy after receiving their results. The school recorded a 61% pass rate.

Matrics at EZ Kabane High School in Kwamagxaki dance for joy after receiving their results. The school recorded a 61% pass rate.

Grey High School rector Chris Erasmus with two of the school's top pupils, who achieved seven As, Tom Smith, 18, left, and Zach Heynes, 18.

Grey High School rector Chris Erasmus with two of the school’s top pupils, who achieved seven As, Tom Smith, 18, left, and Zach Heynes, 18.

Grey High School matriculant Kavir Dullabh,18, and his proud father, Anil, after receiving his results. Kavir achieved five As.

Grey High School matriculant Kavir Dullabh,18, and his proud father, Anil, after receiving his results. Kavir achieved five As.

St Thomas High School matriculants Reagan Fredericks,18, and Chardonne Bartman,17, pleased with their results.

St Thomas High School matriculants Reagan Fredericks,18, and Chardonne Bartman,17, pleased with their results.

Collegiate Girls' High School matriculants Megan Guest, 19, and Kerry-Lee Kotzee, 18, collect their report cards. Megan achieved six distinctions and Kerry-Lee two.

Collegiate Girls’ High School matriculants Megan Guest, 19, and Kerry-Lee Kotzee, 18, collect their report cards. Megan achieved six distinctions and Kerry-Lee two.

Collegiate Girls' High School matriculants, back from left, Brigitte Nel, 18, Zimasa Pimoli, 19, and Inga Ngcwama,18, and, front from left, Ovayo Gomomo,19, Kerri Smith, 18, and Marli Milne, 18.

Collegiate Girls’ High School matriculants, back from left, Brigitte Nel, 18, Zimasa Pimoli, 19, and Inga Ngcwama,18, and, front from left, Ovayo Gomomo,19, Kerri Smith, 18, and Marli Milne, 18.

Cowan High School matriculants are welcomed back by staff who sang and cheered as they entered. The class of 2021 managed to bag an overall pass rate of 86.9%

Cowan High School matriculants are welcomed back by staff who sang and cheered as they entered. The class of 2021 managed to bag an overall pass rate of 86.9%


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