In September, foreign capital expanded its net remittance of more than 80 billion yuan, but sold Taiwan stocks for more than 500 billion yuan in the first three quarters of this year

外資9月擴大淨匯入逾800億元 但今年前3季賣超台股逾5000億元。(鉅亨網資料照)
In September, foreign capital expanded its net remittance of more than 80 billion yuan, but it sold more than 500 billion yuan in Taiwan stocks in the first three quarters of this year. ( data photo)

(5) The latest statistics on foreign investment trends were announced on the same day. In September, the expanded net foreign remittances amounted to 2.898 billion U.S. dollar (equivalent to New Taiwan Dollar about 80.9 billion yuan), for Net remittances for two consecutive months; however, foreign investors are showing no mercy to Taiwan stocks in this year (2021). In the first nine months of the total, foreign capital sales exceeded listed counters by more than 500 billion yuan.

Net foreign remittances of 4.9 billion in January this year U.S. dollars , February turned to a small net remittance of 21 million Dollar, further outflow of 329 million in March U.S. dollars , but a massive return of 5.038 billion in April U.S. dollars , and continue to net in May Remit 3.247 billion U.S. dollars , after two consecutive months of net remittances, in June and July, net remittances were 1.914 billion and 3.518 billion respectively USD until 8 Net remittance of 47 million U.S. dollars , the inflow was further expanded in September.

In the first 9 months of the cumulative total, the cumulative net remittance of foreign institutional investors, overseas Chinese and foreign natural persons was approximately 10.359 billion Dollar; The accumulated net remittance of land capital is about 11 million U.S. dollars , a total of 10.348 billion U.S. dollar (equivalent to New Taiwan Dollar (About 288.8 billion yuan).

However, relative to the increase in foreign capital’s September net remittances, foreign capitals have no mercy in selling over Taiwan stocks. This year has ended on September 30. , The cumulative amount of foreign investors’ over-selling of listed stocks is New Taiwan dollars 488.172 billion yuan, the cumulative amount of over-selling to OTC companies reached New Taiwan Dollar 19.427 billion yuan, total 507.599 billion yuan.

As for land capital, as of September 30 this year, land capital has sold more than listed stocks by approximately New Taiwan Dollar 1.425 billion yuan, and the sale of over-the-counter stocks is about new Taiwan dollar 446 million yuan.

As of September 30, the overall cumulative net inward remittance of foreign capital was approximately RMB 218.864 billion U.S. dollars , including overseas Foreign institutional investors have accumulated a net remittance of 218.692 billion U.S. dollars ; accumulated net remittances of overseas Chinese and foreign natural persons 172 million U.S. dollars , an increase of about 2.910 billion in a single month Dollar; the accumulated net remittance of land capital is about 29 million U.S. dollars , a monthly decrease of about 12 million Dollar.

Extended reading

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