In short, Wednesday, October 6th

We collect the newspaper’s short articles in the column «In short». Here is today’s post. Photo: Ketil Blom Haugstulen / Ellen Eriksen

Elderly and broadband telephony. Research dissemination. Unknown shipping history. This is today’s card post!


This is a debate post. Opinions in the text are at the writer’s expense.

Commentator’s Caricatures In Aftenposten 5 October Christina Pletten writes a comment which pretends to reproduce the arguments of those who “want to defend tax havens”.

It is a pity that Pletten can not present his own arguments without caricaturing others. Also in this text she draws me in, and claims that I believe that it is “unfair and directly wrong to draw attention to some” tax havens, because Norway itself is a tax havens through the Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS).

This is not just a caricature of what I mean, it is directly untrue.

The the article I have written, and which she links to in Aftenposten’s online edition, tells on the contrary about the need to fight tax evasion and secrecy. That I and some others also try to nuance some of Pletten’s one-sided and uninformative articles, I think makes sense.

Kristin Clemet, Leader, Civita

Our routines failed

I Aftenposten October 3 writes Elisabet Kongsbakk about her parents of 98 and 84 years and their experience with Telenor.

We have spent a lot of time to facilitate simple and good customer journeys. But in this case, we have not succeeded in picking up and solving the problems for the customer.

When our customer service gets In calls where the customer is unable to order, install or use new services, our routines must be that the inquiry is handled until it is resolved. Time can be spent over the phone to guide and help. An installer can also be ordered out to the customer to install and show how the new service works. We have also made it easier for relatives to act on behalf of their parents.

We have seen few challenges in in relation to how many customers are transferred to new services. When our routines fail, as in this case, it is good that we are notified by the customer so that we can improve.

Camilla Amundsen, Head of Broadband and TV, Telenor Norway

Research dissemination is important

Society has high expectations of the University of Oslo (UiO). It is good. It is expected, among other things:

Excellent research Research that meets society’s challenges

  • Quality of education and relevance
  • > Dissemination in dialogue with the public Innovation Entrepreneurship

  • Management of Norwegian history and objects (not least through the Natural History and Cultural History Museum)
  • Basis of knowledge-based management and policy And so on – all within a working time frame for the individual .

    Different tasks are solved by different people and vary for each researcher over time. There are phases where you do more research, teach more or communicate more. The personal freedom is great. Textbooks are a very important part of this whole. It must be balanced with dissemination in many other channels and not least digital channels.

    The UiO’s strategy towards 2030 emphasizes dissemination. Our ambition is for UiO to strengthen the dialogue with the outside world. We will work to ensure that knowledge is used, and we will facilitate knowledge-based conversations and be present where opinions are formed. This is ambitious.

    I think there is a high awareness of and a good culture for communication at UiO. We succeed well, but we can always get better, and we take associate professor Alexander H. Sandtorv’s input with us when we are to facilitate even better through “training”, channels and other assistance. Not least, there is a need to strengthen the follow-up of researchers who are exposed to incitement and threats.

    Svein Stølen, Rector, University of Oslo

    Also read

    Researcher goes out to his own workplace: – We miss important books

    A reviled group

    Red politician Sofia Rana comments in Aftenposten 30 September the proposal for a park between Børsen and Bjørvika. She ‘was pleasantly surprised that the idea came from Fred. Olsen ». That’s understandable!

    Shipowners and “riches” are an insulted group in today’s Norway. Then it is easy to attribute to the groups attitudes and characteristics that may not correspond to reality. After working with Fred. Olsen’s story since 2003, I’m not surprised.

    History is full of forward-looking measures related to the environment, sustainability and human development and commitment. An important driving force in my work has been to show this side of the shipowner and the companies’ activities as well. Rana is sorry, but had the whole story been known, she would hardly have been surprised by Fred. Olsen’s commitment. And that’s positive.

    Harald Bråthen, co-author Fred Olsen’s story (unpublished) with former CFO of Fred. Olsen & Co, Fridthjov Haavardsson Join the debates at Aftenposten’s opinions on Facebook and Twitter

    Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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