In the Best Tradition: The Outstanding Steam for 2021

After another year breaking records with 27 million users connected at one season – it’s time to explore the most popular hits on the platform

The corona has hit hard in many areas, but gaming does not seem to be one of them – when in fact the need to stay more at home has led to a boom for home platforms And to strengthen the position of as the senior representative for the people of , when it rose from a peak of 25 million active users simultaneously in January 2021 to a peak of 27 million simultaneous users in November 2021, within touching distance of a threshold of 28 million users that will probably come in the near future.

With such a record, it’s hard to ignore the list of the most popular games of the online platform from the company Valve, which is also shown publicly this year with discounted offers for some of the works starring in it.

Valheim – Developed by a team of five people (at the beginning of its journey), sold 7 million copies in less than a year
In the highest Platinum rankings you can find well-known names that have been starring in it for years, such as Counter Strike : Global Offensive, DOTA 2, GTA 5 and PUBG – but also a pair of fresh indie contestants with Valheim and Naraka: Bladepoint, plus the title of the first MMORPG from Amazon New World and – 2042, which enjoyed great popularity even though it was badly killed by a large part of the experienced.

New World – A Success Above Expected to Launch the Game Development Studios of Forward?

In the gold rating, the presence of Forza Horizon 4 and Forza Horizon 5 stands out at the same time, along with the fresh action title Back 4 Blood which clarifies that eliminating zombie waves Chevruta is still a very popular business – and the humble co-op game It Takes Two that emerges as one of the biggest and most surprising success stories of the whole year and of (The Distributor) Recently In Particular.

Back 4 Blood – The spiritual heir of Left 4 Dead proves that the cast still loves zombies, even after more than 12 years

In the money category, Age of Empires 4 and Halo Infinite stand out, both from and those that were only recently launched, as proof that the launch on Steam coincides with Microsoft Store is a smart move on the part of the technology giant, Cyberpunk 2077, which continues to enjoy great popularity Despite the horrific launch he experienced, Phasmophobia which became a huge horror-survival hit and also the action title Outriders which was perceived as a diligent failure but manages to accumulate a respectable community of actors slowly, ostensibly.

, including Days Gone which is the only Sony representative on the list (which may change in 2022 with the launch of God of War for PC), the action-adventure title Biomutant which is also considered a commercial failure in the first period of its launch but may experience a long-term comeback Thanks to its unique concept, Half-Life: Alyx which stands out as the only game on the entire list adapted for only (i.e. without an official alternative for those who do not have glasses (VR

under them), Baldur’s Gate 3 which is gaining significant popularity even though it is at a relatively early stage in the development process As part of the Early Access program but priced like a full game and more.

Biomutant – Neither the critics nor the actors liked it in a sweeping way, but Interesting and special enough to take a place on Steam’s list of the 100 most lucrative games

How many games from the list have you experienced in the past year? Is your favorite game in 2021 in it? Let’s talk about it in the comments.

Click here to go to the full Steam popular games summary page for 2021

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