In western Slovakia, there will again be train outages due to a lack of train drivers

18. 01. 2022 12:07 | BRATISLAVA / TASR

Read which routes will be affected

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Illustration photo. Photo: TV Markíza

In western Slovakia, passengers have to reckon with train restrictions these days. The reason is the lack of train drivers. Therefore, several connections will be canceled by Friday (January 21).

Informs about it on his

the website Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko and the Integrated Transport System in the Bratislava Region

Restrictions will affect the routes Trnava – Bratislava – Kúty and back, Bratislava – Komárno and back, Pezinok – Bratislava – Malacky and back and Bratislava – Senec – Nové Zámky / Galanta and back

The list of trains to be waived is published on the ZSSK and IDS BK websites. Restrictions will apply in particular to passenger trains. The carrier warns that the current situation may change during the day.

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