Indus reveals newest hero Pokhran as part of Diwali celebrations


Indus reveals newest hero Pokhran as part of Diwali celebrations

SuperGaming has revealed the perfect Diwali gift for all fans who are eagerly waiting for the arrival of their highly anticipated Indo-futuristic battle royale, Indus. The studio showcases the title’s latest addition, a new character who goes by the name of Pokhran. His introduction is a result of the developers trying to honour India’s greats, beginning with one of the country’s premier scientists.

Pokhran is a nuclear automation company created by the father of the Indian nuclear programme, Homi Jehangir Bhabha. The trailer embedded below delves into some of the in-game lore of the character. Pokhran III was built using technology from the Yaksha and was a gift given to the inhabitants of Indus.

He has been tasked with the responsibility of guarding all of Virlok and protecting the unique power it holds. Pokhran seems to be powered by the radiation itself, which he is capable of unleashing on waves of enemies. He seems to be a tank-like character who we’ll know more about when Indus releases.


Hunting for similar games while you wait? Check out this list of the top battle royales to play on Android phones and tablets right now!

The game recently raked in a whopping seven million pre-registrations, just ahead of their first esports tournament. It was an invitational, featuring some of the most popular steamers in India. Since its first announcement in February 2022, this was Indus’ fifth major appearance, with lots more planned along the way, with a global release possibly sometime next year.

Indus should also be hosting another closed beta test sometime soon. Pre-registrations are open on Google Play. A key is required to participate in the CBT and the developers do frequent drops on the Discord server so be sure to keep an eye out there. They are in limited supply so you’ll have to be quick about redeeming them.

Tanish Botadkar

Tanish Botadkar



Tanish is a freelance writer who’s an absolute Marvel nerd. If he’s not writing, he’s probably rewatching anything related to Marvel so that he can spam his friends with theories. And if not that, he can be found gaming on his trusty PS4. While gaming is a passion for him, he also loves science and hopes to become a neuroscientist one day.

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