Industry confidence drops in the 30 sectors assessed by the CNI

The least confident sector was construction and infrastructure
Wednesday, September 29, 2021 – 10:15

The 30 sectors surveyed by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) showed a drop in confidence, according to the Industrial Entrepreneur Confidence Index – Sectoral Results, released today (29) by the entity . The ICEI shows the evaluation of entrepreneurs on the conditions of their business.

According to the survey, “it is the first time since March 2021 that a sharp drop in confidence has affected all sectors”. The CNI, however, adds that despite the “strong drop in confidence”, the sectorial indicator remains above the 50-point cut-off line. The indicator ranges from 0 to 100. Values ​​above 50 are positive.

In the evaluation of the CNI Economic Analysis manager, Marcelo Azevedo, the result shows that businessmen remain confident, but this confidence was “weaker and less widespread in September compared to August.”

“The sectors that registered the biggest drops in confidence were the following: cleaning products, perfumery and personal hygiene, which fell from 62.5 points to 53.4 points; of pharmochemicals and pharmaceuticals, which rose from 63.4 points to 54.9 points; and electrical machinery, equipment and material, which registered 65.1 points in August and dropped to 57.2 points”, detailed the CNI.

The most confident sectors were metallurgy (63.2 points); machinery and equipment (61 points); of footwear and parts thereof (61); manufacture of clothing and accessories (60.8); and wood products (60.1). The sector that was less confident was infrastructure works, which registered 53 points.

The survey was carried out between the 1st and 15th of September, having heard 2,373 businessmen. Of these, 948 are small; 852 midsize; and 573 large.

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