Inflation in Germany at 30-year high

Almanya'da enflasyon 30 yılın zirvesinde | Ekonomi Haberleri

In Germany, annual inflation increased to 5.3 percent in December, reaching its highest level since 1992.

Germany’s Federal Statistics Office (Destatis) announced December and annual data for 2021 on price increases. Accordingly, inflation rose to 3.1 percent on an annual basis, reaching its highest level since 1993. Annual inflation rose to 5.3 percent in December 2021, the highest level since 1992 (5.8%) in the country. Inflation in the country increased by 0.5 percent on a monthly basis. EU-compliant CPI increased by 0.3 percent on a monthly basis in December and by 5.7 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.


In 2020, the first year of the epidemic in the country, inflation was 0.5 percent. had passed. While energy prices increased by 18.3 percent compared to the same month of the previous year, there was a 6 percent increase in food. In addition to the base effects, supply bottlenecks during the epidemic period and significant price increases in the economic recovery process have an impact on this. These are partially reflected in the inflation rate.


  • Germany
  • annual inflation )

  • monthly inflation

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