Infoprive rebrands as Cybervergent, poised to revolutionise Africa’s tech sector with automated cybersecurity solutions

L-R: Business Lead, Platform Solutions, Cybervergent, Bamidele Obende; Customer Success Executive, Gbemisola Osunrinde, Cybervergent; President, FintechNGR, Ade Bajomo; Chief Executive Officer/Co-Founder, Cybervergent, Adetokunbo Omotosho and Gbolabo Awelewa, Chief Technology Officer, Cybervergent after the unveiling of Cybervergent, a pioneering technology company revolutionising the cybersecurity landscape in Africa, at the Nigeria Fintech Week 2023 on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, in Lagos.

Leading cybersecurity company Infoprive has announced its rebrand at the just concluded Nigeria Fintech Week (NFW). The company formerly known as Infoprive will now be known as Cybervergent

As the world embraces digital advancements and internet accessibility grows across Africa, cybercrimes are on the rise as well. In recent times cybersecurity incidents have resulted in a loss estimated to be between $3.5 billion and $4 billion. Several banks and fintechs in Nigeria have also suffered cyber-attacks and telecoms giant MTN recently sued banks in Nigeria for losing $53 million from its mobile money service to fraud. 

This spate of cybercrimes is a result of the digital state of the modern world and it also calls for improvements in the cybersecurity industry. As threats in the digital landscape continue to evolve, cybersecurity companies must adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the curve. 

Taking this into account, Infoprive has evolved into Cybervergent to expand its security solutions to businesses and organisations. Formerly a security consulting, assessments, and remediation company, the company is now a pioneering technology company dedicated to revolutionising the cybersecurity landscape in Africa leveraging Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for improved solutions. 

This innovative approach empowers businesses to fortify their digital assets, detect real-time threats, and respond swiftly to evolving cyber breaches. Cybervergent’s proprietary technology ensures seamless integration, allowing organisations to proactively protect their networks, data, and applications from malicious intrusions.

CEO/Co-Founder, Cybervergent, Adetokunbo Omotosho, speaking on “Disrupting Digital Trust in Africa”

Speaking at the NFW event, CEO and Co-founder, Adetokunbo Omotosho, emphasised the importance of maintaining digital trust by securing client data. This will allow fintechs to continue to innovate freely and scale. With increasing cybersecurity threats customers will lose faith in fintechs who do not fortify their systems. He also stated that this rebrand is a proactive step to forestall massive cybersecurity losses as the continent becomes the next growth frontier in adopting the Internet of Things and e-commerce.

Cybervergent is a convergence of data privacy, security, and compliance in one automated platform. According to Adetokunbo, “Cybervergent represents not just a name change, it embodies the convergence of cutting-edge technology, visionary leadership, and our resolute commitment to safeguarding businesses in the digital age on the continent, starting from Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy. With our refreshed brand identity, Cybervergent is poised to evolve the cybersecurity landscape, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to thwart cyber threats, streamline security operations, and enhance overall business resilience,” he adds.

With this rebrand, Cybervergent repositions itself as a dynamic, all-in-one cybersecurity company set to transform the African cybersecurity and overall tech landscape. With its team of seasoned experts, the company will provide simplified, tailored, and automated solutions that ensure the protection of critical assets and data for businesses and organisations. This strategic rebrand aligns with the company’s unwavering commitment to pioneering the future of the continent’s cybersecurity through innovation, automation, and all-encompassing scaled solutions.

To learn more and connect with Cybervergent visit the website here

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