Inside Gucci and Dakota Johnson’s Intimate Dinner in Los Angeles

On a crisp Los Angeles evening, the City of Stars shone a little brighter as Gucci and Dakota Johnson, the face of the Jackie 1961 campaign, co-hosted a dinner party at the Gucci Osteria da Massimo Bottura in Beverly Hills. The evening celebrated the debut of Good Time, an orange wine created in collaboration between Good Boy Wine and Johnson’s Tea Time Pictures, and coincided with the opening of Gucci’s new, appointment-only Salon in Hollywood, making it a busy week for the fashion house.

The evening began with guests mingling and savoring their first sips of Good Time wine handed out by waiters wearing floral Gucci aprons. Hugs and laughter abounded as everyone settled into the intimate atmosphere, eventually finding their seat somewhere between the two long tables adorned with elegant floral plates and bouquets. Playful details like Fortune Teller Miracle Fish cards, prize balls containing stick-on mustaches and friendship bracelets added a touch of whimsy and encouraged lively conversations throughout the dinner.

The guest list consisted of an intimate group of Johnson’s closest friends and collaborators—a veritable who’s who that included Camilla Morrone, Chris Martin, St. Vincent, Stella Banderas, Grace Johnson, Naomi Scott, Emma Laird, Leah Lehrer, Blake Lee, Ro Donnelly, and more.

The name of the wine, Good Time, reflects the ethos of Johnson’s Tea Time Pictures, a production company founded on the belief that film and television have the power to foster connections and create meaningful experiences. “We really wanted to resurrect the idea of cinema as an experience. Something that alters your mind and your heart,” said Johnson of the wine launch. “We started to think of other ways we could cultivate that experience and bring people together in an environment that feels whimsical, cool, and different, and just ignites some kind of curiosity in people’s hearts.”

Connection was indeed the theme of the night. Dinner was a game of musical chairs, where partygoers visited with new and old friends alike as they enjoyed a sumptuous dinner crafted by Gucci Osteria’s Michelin Star award-winning chef, Mattia Agazzi.

As the name of the wine, or perhaps the Fortune Fish, had accurately predicted, it was a “Good Time” for all. The evening became a special reminder to slow down and cultivate meaningful connections, leaving a lasting impression in the annals of Los Angeles’ bustling party calendar.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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