Instead of the HCLU and the border guards, the police feel that the field guards are dangerous

Daniel Faragó

I recently learned that the police have initiated proceedings against the field guards in Aásotthalom to announce the organization called the Society for Freedoms (HCLU) – Zoltán Pakusza, the vice-president of Our Country, begins his open letter

The HCLU has complained that field guards are taking action against illegal migrants, which is outrageous in itself, but it is also unacceptable that the police immediately launched an investigation.

According to media reports, the HCLU did not make a report, but the police launched an investigation against a partner body that continuously and effectively assists the police in their work against illegal migration.

The Hungarian government has consistently emphasized the need to combat illegal migration. In my opinion, it is a very bad message if the Hungarian state does not stand up for the law enforcement agencies that protect the lives and property of the country’s fair citizens. With this activity, the HCLU undermines the morale of its employees, reduces the efficiency of their operation – – Pakusza, who is waiting for answers to the following questions from the Minister of the Interior Sándor Pintér:

– Do you consider it illegal to cross the border

– Do you agree by the fact that the police have opened an investigation?

– Do you really think that the field guards in Ásotthalom are fighting against illegal migration

) – Do you plan to take steps in the future to limit the activities of the HCLU

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