Intel Core i7-12700K is very close to i9-12900K

The new Intel Core 12000 (Alder Lake-S) are very close to being a reality, with an announcement expected for the 28th of October and availability in store sometime in the first week of November. For this reason, what has not been lacking on the Internet has been ‘leaks’ referring to the top of the range of this new series, the Intel Core i9-12900K, but, it seems, we will also have a good surprise in the second most powerful processor from the blue giant of microprocessors, the Core i7-12700K.

So now it’s the turn of the Intel Core i7-12700K to give an air of its grace to the appear in the CPU-Z benchmark with 800 points in the single-core test and 9423 points in the multi-core test! Which puts it very close to the i9-12900K, which in turn manages to reach 825 points in the single-core test. Also getting him biting the heels of the Ryzen 9 5900X, with 12 cores and 24 threads, this in the multi-core test.

However, the Intel Core i7-12700K is expected to reach these numbers with 12 cores in total (8 cores focused on performance + 4 centers focused on efficiency). All this in a 125W TDP package.

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