Intel prepares NUC 12 Enthusiast reference laptop with Arc graphics

07.01.2022 , Maxim Shevchenko

Intel NUC laptops are practically unknown to ordinary users, and this is because these devices are not intended for them. These devices are a base, a kind of blank for OEMs, who adapt them as they wish and offer them to customers under their own brands. Today it became known that Intel is preparing to introduce a new model of the reference laptop NUC 12 Enthusiast, which will offer users proprietary discrete graphics Arc.

Источник изображения: Intel

Image source: Intel

According to VideoCardz, the NUC 12 Enthusiast, also known as Alder County, will combine the latest Alder Lake processors with discrete Arc graphics … The company’s current reference laptop, NUC X15 or King County, offers NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 graphics in its most powerful configuration alongside Tiger Lake processors.

Источник изображения: WeiboИсточник изображения: Intel

Image source: Weibo

Another new NUC with Arc graphics that Intel confirmed at CES 2022 is the Enthusiast Serpent Canyon NUC 12 desktop. This device will be available with 8, 12 or 16 GB of GDDR6 video memory. This could indicate that it will use not only Intel Arc graphics, but also NVIDIA graphics.

Intel is expected to reveal more details on branded computers with discrete video cards of our own design soon.

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