Interior trends for fall / winter: 3 cozy & mindful styles that you will not resist

enterijer trendovi za jesen/zimu

We recently had the opportunity to participate in JYSK event that hosted journalists and influencers across Europe, and in this way, first hand, find out what are the most current interior trends for autumn / winter. And you know what? We really like that all trends have common denominators of comfort, simplicity, return to nature and enjoyment of small things.

From a specially designed studio in the center of Copenhagen, experts from JYSK presented the way they use trends in the development of the range and described to us how they work to make the company even more sustainable.

Being in trend and being more sustainable goes hand in hand. We want to ensure that our products always meet the needs and expectations of our customers. We also want to do everything we can to make our products more sustainable. In addition to presenting some of our great innovations, this is our main message for this gathering, ”explains Rikke Blæsild, Assortment and Design Manager at JYSK, who presented trends and new products.

Enterijer trendovi za jesen/zimu

Become more sustainable

One of Rune Jungberg Pedersen was also a participant in the event. As the Director of Communications and CSR at JYSK, he works closely with colleagues from the entire company in order to implement changes that will ensure even more sustainable business.

The goal of JYSK is integrating sustainability into all relevant areas of our business. We want to ensure that at the highest level, which means that we are ready to fulfill more than one part of the responsibility that belongs to us in this matter of combating climate change, selling products made of sustainable materials and reducing packaging and waste. This requires the engagement of the whole company, and we are definitely on the right track, although it is important to be aware that we have a long way to go “, explained Rune Jungberg Pedersen.

) JYSK interior trends for autumn / winter that especially attracted our attention

Trend # 1: Reset Basic

If you are ready to slow down and want to enjoy small life pleasures more, this is an interior trend for you. Although the focus is on the basic pieces of simple lines, there are also innovative details that attract attention. Our goal should be to create a soothing, relaxing atmosphere in our living space, which will last from season to season, and not just one winter.

The design itself is simple and minimalist, with details such as geometric prints and patterns, which make everything more vivid.

The color palette is neutral, with rich shades sand and a lot of brown tones, which gives everything warmth, but also a touch of luxury.

Trend # 2: Infusion

The more we are overwhelmed by the desire to disconnect from the digital world, it is a stronger tendency for elements from nature to be present in the home. The design of this interior trend imitates nature, its raw textures and irregular shapes. Thanks to this, the living space evolves and becomes a quiet corner, a refuge, away from the corporate world and the hectic dynamics of everyday life.

Wood and rough weaving are the center of attention , as well as materials from renewable sources. Textures and handmade are important. We want objects whose touch evokes a pleasant feeling.

Colors are inspired by the elements of nature – earth, water, sky. Blue and green shades dominate, and brown tones of the earth bring everything into balance.

) Trend # 3: Mindful Garden

This trend, which combines antique and modern, celebrates life at home, placing special emphasis on the little things. One vase on the table or one candle can completely change the atmosphere.

Design creates harmonious relationships. Metal and glass in combination bring a fresh industrial look. Prints are also in focus – we tuck ourselves into our homes and create a pleasant, comfortable atmosphere. The key word is nesting.

The flowers return to the big door, but this time they combine with blades of grass, which leaves a special impression.

The color palette is new and fresh, feminine. These are gentle and cheerful shades that will positively affect our psyche.

Read also… Autumn hit in interior design – velvet

PR / Jysk

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