IOS and iPadOS 15.0.1 update is now available! The problem that the iPhone could not be unlocked using the Apple Watch has been solved

Even though the development of iOS 15 took many months, reaching even Beta 8 in the initial testing phase, the final update also brought some bugs for users. I also had an article on this topic in which some of them appeared. Users have encountered screen responsiveness issues, warnings that storage is full, but also deleting photos automatically from iMessage. A new iOS update has been released today that should fix some of these bugs.

The update is now available on both iPad and iPhone, as iOS and iPadOS 15.0.1. The Changelog, however, contains only a simple description for both iPhones and tablets. It seems that the update only solves the bug by which a small number of users could not unlock their iPhone using the Apple Watch. As a reminder, this feature was integrated with the advent of iOS 14.5, so that the phone can be unlocked even if the user wears a protective mask.

We don’t know yet if other bugs have been fixed yet, especially since Apple did not provide details in the changelog . However, the update is available and can now be installed on compatible iPhones and iPads. If you’re having trouble installing iOS 15, the 15.0.1 update may fix many of them.

I remind you that the new iPhone 13 range is available from yesterday at pre-order at eMAG . Also, if you were thinking of buying an Apple phone, older models have started to have attractive discounts, right on the eve of Black Friday. You can follow the evolution of prices and the best offers in the articles in the series “ Tour of Stores “, but also on our sister site, .

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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