iPhone 13 Pro Max beats Galaxy S21 Ultra performance and battery in tests

iPhone 13 Pro Max outperforms Galaxy S21 Ultra performance and battery in tests

02 of October 2021 52

Following a good evolutionary cycle, the battery of iPhone 13 Pro Max has already proved to be more powerful than the brothers of previous years, and now it comes to show itself more powerful than the competitor’s drums Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra — current flagship of the South Korean — as tested by the PhoneBuff channel.

This week, the cell phone has already showed that it also beats the rival in terms of performance.

Apple 02 Oct

iPhone 14: smartphone pode ganhar variante com armazenamento de 2 TB

Safety 02 Oct

In the comparison of operations, even though the Samsung cell phone has a higher capacity battery, as its screen and resolution is also higher, there is a cost battery top.

The test uses a robot that performs various tasks — such as making calls, sending messages, reading emails, browsing the internet, spying on Instagram, turning the screen off, watching YouTube videos, running a game, listening to music on Spotify and interacting on Snapchat — to keep devices in constant use for longer.

In the end, the iPhone 13 Pro Max brings the best results. The Samsung device lost most of the tasks performed, using more energy than the iPhone in almost all the scenarios described. In the end, when the S21 Ultra shut down, the iPhone 13 Pro Max was still on 25% battery life.

Sobreviveu! iPhone 13 Pro Max passa por rigoroso teste de resistência e mostra boa durabilidade

A new hardware performance test of the newly released iPhone 13 Pro Max pointed out that the release of Apple took advantage in the direct comparison with Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, one of the brand’s top-of-the-line smartphones.

According to the evaluation ofiPhone 14: smartphone pode ganhar variante com armazenamento de 2 TB YouTube channel PhoneBuff, the iPhone 13 Pro Max started losing to the competition before. However, after a rendering and export a video with FilmoraGo, the Apple’s flagship managed to surpass the Galaxy .

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