Ireland: 15% tax rate for IT giants

Posted: 8.10.2021 10:52 | Topics: business

Ireland has signed an OECD agreement under which the minimum tax rate for international companies 15%.

In doing so, they target mainly large IT companies (Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook …), which take advantage of the transfer revenues between different countries. An example is Google’s move in 2017, when they transferred € 20 billion through a Dutch company to an Irish branch officially registered in Bermuda. The new rules are expected to further restrict such transfers – Ireland has joined a group of 140 countries by signing, and companies with revenues of more than € 750 million a year are eligible. According to the Irish authorities, 56 international companies with branches in Ireland are expected to come under this auspices. The new rules are expected to enter into force in 2023

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