“Is She Pregnant?” Selena Gomez Causes a Wave of Controversy After Appearing in a Tight Dress

Selena Gomez made a dazzling appearance at the 75th Primetime Emmy Awards, bringing along her boyfriend Benny Blanco as her date. The 31-year-old singer looked absolutely fabulous in a gorgeous sheer dress. However, some people criticized her outfit, making comments about her body and even speculating whether she might be expecting.

450,000 sequins

Richard Shotwell / Invision / AP / East News

Selena Gomez stole the spotlight at the event with her stunning outfit. She wore a captivating sheer gown by Oscar de la Renta, covered in intricate black floral details and a whopping 450,000 sequins. The dress was designed to reveal a subtle hint of skin, adding a touch of glamour to the ensemble with a beautiful Tiffany & Co. necklace.

Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP Images / East News, Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP Images / East News

Selena Gomez attended the event with her 35-year-old boyfriend, Benny Blanco, who is a record producer and actor. Benny looked stylish in a sharp outfit, wearing a long navy coat over a black silk button-up shirt and gray slacks. The couple shared a sweet moment during their walk, with Selena affectionately placing her hand on Benny’s shoulder.

Richard Shotwell / Invision / AP / East News

According to an insider, Selena is in a great place and truly enjoying her relationship with Benny Blanco. The source emphasized that she appears to be genuinely happy and engaged, expressing that Selena is embracing a positive phase, perhaps influenced by her connection with Benny or simply reflecting on her current personal and professional state.

Her body became the main topic of discussion.

Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP Images / East News

As everyone admired her vibrant appearance on the red carpet, a few online voices started guessing if she could be pregnant. Even though the star did not indicate a pregnancy, some presumed her curvier and fuller look might suggest otherwise, with one comment stating, “She’s about 4 sizes up”.


However, a supportive fan chimed in, clarifying that her fuller figure could be attributed to her health condition and medication. As the pictures from the event made their way onto social media, fans swiftly celebrated the star’s gorgeous look, flooding her with compliments like “stunning” and “looks amazing.” One supporter expressed, “Love her; she looks awesome and happy. Good for her.”

Negative comments don’t bother her.

Last year, during the Golden Globes, online comments started circulating about her weight gain. Responding to these remarks, Gomez took to Instagram Live with her sister, Gracie, by her side. She explained, “I’m a little bit big right now because I enjoyed myself during the holidays.” Then Gomez added, “But we don’t care,” and both sisters burst into laughter.


By light-heartedly dismissing these comments, Gomez not only set a positive example for her younger sister but also for countless girls and women worldwide. She emphasized that embracing your body and feeling confident, regardless of size, is what truly matters. After all, the key is self-love, which radiates from the inside out.

Selena recently shared that she’s considering wrapping up her music career soon. In this article, we delve into the reasons behind her decision and explore what might be prompting this potential shift in her career path.

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Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP Images / East News

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