Is there no place to test the effectiveness of complementary medicine against corona?

Cubid-19 burst into the world consciousness in late 2019, what initially seemed like a mild viral disease, a kind of version of the flu, quickly turned out to be a highly contagious disease with a high level of morbidity and mortality. The disease soon spread throughout the world. The epidemic became a pandemic. The world stood helpless in the face of this disease. Therapeutic attempts at existing antiviral drugs have failed or have shown only limited efficacy. Vaccine was also not available and it was clear that at best it would only be available in many months. A movement that tried to treat Corona in various professions of complementary medicine.

Let’s take homeopathy as an example. Naturally, mainly mild and moderate patients were initially treated with this method, since most complementary medicine therapists do not have access to hospitals and the difficult patients hospitalized there. Occasional articles in peer-reviewed literature have also appeared here and there. Most, if not all, of complementary medicine journals or second- or third-tier journals have only limited impact. At times they were given the opportunity to treat even severely hospitalized patients, a result of pressure from the patients’ families on the system. Dramatic improvements observed in many of these cases were rejected by the medical system – of which I am also a part – and were classified in the space between “this is an inbo (placebo) effect” and “the patient was on the way to recovery anyway”. The desperate state of hospitals collapsing from most patients did not convince anyone whether there might still be room to test the effectiveness of those professions. Shamaria, without effective treatment. Opposite are methods of complementary medicine that are usually cheap, poor in side effects, and the use of some of them also does not require physical contact with the patient

. Of successful anecdotal cases. Of course, not to include them as a standard medical method in the accepted medical repertoire, but as methods that should be tested with the accepted scientific methods – randomized clinical trials, it is recommended that they be in vitro controlled. We are in a state of emergency: a highly contagious disease with a high mortality rate and an economy that freezes its yeast, without effective treatment. Opposite are methods of complementary medicine that are usually cheap, poor in side effects, and the use of some of them also does not require physical contact with the patient.

So why not? The reason is that it is complementary medicine, which includes a number of different professions based on different paradigms from the paradigm of conventional medicine and that in order to test them the doctor must be correct to look at from a different point of view than the one in which he was educated.

In his article, the American physician Vinay Prasad discusses the views of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger on the relationship between technology and poetry, as opposing ways of interpreting reality. Heidegger distinguishes between two forms of thought. One – Calculative thinking and the other Meditative thinking. The first, which characterizes technology, is a thought process that confines itself to organization, management and control, without reference to meaning. In the process of self-reflection of this way of thinking, man relates to the solution of instrumental problems by the precise application of theory and technique, aimed at a clear goal. It is a way of thinking that can be extracted from memory when needed.

The second way of thinking, the meditative thought, is particularly characteristic of art and poetry, and it refers to the beauty inherent in things. It is a natural, unplanned and disorganized spontaneous process that forms the basis for understanding the sense of meaning. Of course, it can not be taken out when needed, because, for example, it is not possible to require a poet to write a poem at a certain moment on a certain subject. May lead to the prolongation of suffering and the multiplication of its victims. So why not try another way of thinking? Meditative thought for example. This is an opportunity to search for other ways

Heidegger is considered one of the sharpest critics of computational (calculus) thought. At the same time, he is not hostile to it as many believe, he only fears, and seems rightly, that it will repress all other forms of thought, and by analogy to medicine: from a situation where conventional medicine, based on computational thought, will be the only way to create beneficial medicine.

As stated, we are in an emergency. Ignoring the professions of complementary medicine will not, of course, cause harm to the human race or its end, but it may lead to the prolongation of suffering and the multiplication of its victims. So why not try another way of thinking? Meditative thought for example. This is an opportunity to look for more ways, not ones that will replace conventional medicine, but work alongside it, or as one of the fathers of quantum mechanics and Nobel Laureate Nils Bohr put it, who said: “The opposite of a true statement is a false statement but the opposite of a deep truth The author, Dr. Menachem Oberbaum, is a physician who founded and managed the complementary medicine unit of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem for more than two decades. Today Senior doctor at Shaare Zedek

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