Is Turkey's fiber infrastructure sufficient for Metaverse?

Many companies are preparing for metaverse years ago because Metaverse

will be able to implement higher quality services thanks to lower delay times and higher data transfer rates. So, does Turkey’s current internet infrastructure meet the requirements of this new universe? Free Telecommunication Operators Association draws attention to the fact that Turkey’s existing fiber infrastructure will not be sufficient to create a secure and fast network in the Metaverse , which has become the hottest topic of recent times. Because it is not possible to have a successful Metaverse experience after a fast and reliable network is not established.

Is Turkey’s fiber infrastructure sufficient for Metaverse?

First of all, when the researches and studies on Metaverse are examined, Metaverse is a system that prioritizes presenting data quickly. It seems that it requires fiber infrastructure. Likewise, Facebook, which changed its name to Meta, is intensifying its work in this direction. For example, in November 2021 the submarine Malbec launched Meta, which launched its cable in Argentina, connecting Argentina to Brazil, the rest of the Americas and major internet exchange points (IXPs/IDNs) in Europe. It will provide a fiber infrastructure of 26 thousand kilometers.

Examining the metaverse, it is understood that a strong fiber infrastructure is required even to create a small part of a meta universe. Metaverse has a critical importance in terms of data transmission speed. Because of the Metaverse requirements, a much higher data transmission rate is demanded from most internet applications and games and many modern connections. Therefore, providing a high bandwidth is very critical to successfully experience Metaverse and to offer products and services.

On the other hand, latency and reliability are also in Metaverse. a factor affecting the successful delivery of services. In order for such a universe to be designed successfully for institutions in Turkey, broadband internet service needs to become widespread, as we encounter it with every new technology. Otherwise, no matter what kind of work is designed in which sector, unless a wide internet infrastructure is provided in our country, unfortunately, the desired efficiency will not be achieved.

TELKODER Chairman of the Board Halil Nadir Teberci: “Metaverse is in the interest of the whole world. a topic to follow. We observe certain initiatives in both the private and public sectors. However, we would like to emphasize that studies on fiber infrastructure, satellite communication, data centers and internet exchange points should be intensified in our country in order to achieve the low latency and high data transfer rates required by Metaverse. With regard to fiber infrastructure, the problems experienced in the subject of the protocol signed in 2018, regarding the strengthening of existing infrastructures of Türk Telekom and making them available to alternative operators, should be eliminated. The allegations that prevent the implementation of this protocol Türk Telekom‘s infrastructure status cannot be determined exactly and a long-term contract cannot be concluded by citing the concession period should be clarified. If these two obstacles can be removed, we think that the protocol will be implemented quickly by all operators and fiber line lengths will increase significantly. In addition, the fiber infrastructure investment appetites of alternative operators should not be hindered. Companies that want to invest should be opened up by making changes in the legislation. In addition, the support and incentives to be given to data centers should cover the whole country and should not have any white space limitations. Only in this way can the data belonging to our country remain in our country. More than one Internet Exchange Points to which all operators are connected should be established. In public service procurement, no obstacles should be placed on Satellite Communication Services, and local and national private companies should be allowed to participate in the tenders for the services deemed suitable.” says.

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