Is your Wi-Fi slow?: Find out if someone uses it without permission

Do you notice your connection to the wifi network slower than normal? Is it becoming commonplace? Perhaps more users of the account are using it, and not all of those who theoretically have the password to do so.

The scope of Wi-Fi networks goes beyond the home where it is contracted. In fact, it is common for all the networks that you have nearby to appear on your mobile device, which usually coincide with that of your neighbors.

So, if you notice that the connection is not fast, it could be that someone is using the network without your permission. There are some actions you can take to find out if this is happening.

Revealing lights

The first thing we need to know is that when the router lights blink is that they transfer information . Therefore, all devices that are connected to that network must be disconnected.

In the event that the networks remain fixed, there will be no one “stealing” the connection. But if those lights continue to flash after all authorized devices have been disconnected, there is an intruder on that Wi-Fi network.

Another way to know if there are intruders is through the control panel of the router. How to access it? Each router has an IP whose numbers can be entered in the web browser of the mobile, tablet or computer to access that control panel.

In the device, in addition to the IP, there is a username and a password that must be entered by going to Network Map or Local Network. Once all the data has been entered, the devices that are connected to the network will appear. In addition, all network operators already have an application through which you can find out the devices that are connected to the network.

A more sophisticated procedure to find out if there are unwanted users using the Wi-Fi network is to check the MAC address of each connected device. The MAC address is a kind of license plate of each device.

Once all the MAC addresses of the devices connected to the Wi-Fi network are identified, it will be possible to check through the router if there is someone else connected to wifi without permission.

In addition to all this, there are applications in different operating systems such as Android, Xiaomi, iOS that are used in mobile devices that allow tracking Wi-Fi networks.

Once it has been identified that there are intruders on the network, you can proceed to expel them, or even prevent them from entering. In any case, the simplest and most effective way is to change the password of the Wi-Fi network with some frequency and thus be able to enjoy a connection at full capacity and safely from the cheeks.

Wifi and Bluetooth: what are they for and how are they different?

WiFi is an acronym in English for Wireless Fidelity, which translated would be Wireless Fidelity. It is a wireless data transmission protocol. Its main utility is to be able to connect Internet devices, although it is also used to be able to exchange data between connected devices.

When we contract Internet to our homes, it comes to us in the form of optical fiber or coax. Through this cable, we can connect to the router of the service with which we have contracted the wireless network. All the devices that we have at home and we want to connect them to the Internet must do so through the router.

We have two ways for the router to allow our devices to connect to the network. The first is the simple direct connection, and consists of physically connecting our device to the router using a Ethernet cable. It is recommended because the connection is more stable and secure.

The second option, more traditional and comfortable, consists of the WiFi wireless connection that your router will generate once you connect it, since it is one of its main functions. One of the main disadvantages of WiFi networks is that sometimes they do not allow you to navigate as fast as the Ethernet connection.

What is Bluetooth?

This other type of connection performs wireless communication between devices. Its main function, unlike WiFi, is to allow several devices to maintain a permanent connection between them through its secure radio frequency system.

Thanks to this type of connection, one or even more devices can be connected to each other, allowing at the same time to transmit voice, data or even music without the need to have the cable connection. Another advantage that Bluetooth offers us is that it allows us to share all kinds of files between devices.

This means that we can send from music to other types of files, such as photographs, videos and any of your files or documents. Headphones or speakers are also valid and effective devices for Bluetooth.

Over time, a large number of electronic devices have appeared to which Bluetooth has been perfectly coupled. Among all of them there are computers, smartphones, tablets, laptops, keyboards, printers, digital cameras, headphones, televisions

Despite the fact that both WiFi and Bluetooth are technologies of wireless connection, they have different objectives. The main function of the former is to connect devices to the Internet, while Bluetooth is used to connect devices to each other.

Despite this, there may be times that the two technologies are used for similar reasons, since two WiFi devices may be within the same network, allowing the sending of files from one site to another.

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