ISDE Spain 2024, Day 5 Highlights!

ISDE Spain 2024, Day 5 Highlights!

Home Stretch in Sight: NOCO FIM 6DAYS® Completes Day Five in Spain

France is on the cusp of victory in the NOCO FIM 6DAYS® after a seven-year wait. Australia narrowed the gap with the U.S. in the Women’s World Trophy on day five, while Sweden leads France in the Junior Trophy heading into the Final Cross Test on day six.

Day five of the 98th edition of the FIM International Six Days of Enduro (ISDE) in Galicia, Spain marked the penultimate day of racing. For the remaining competitors, it was a new and challenging course, with two laps of the Orense-Irixo loop covering over 200 kilometers. Heavy fog caused the cancellation of the second enduro test for safety reasons, offering the riders some relief in an otherwise grueling day.

World Trophy: France in the Lead

France continued to extend their lead in the World Trophy category, heading into the final day with a 7.5-minute advantage over the U.S. With just one motocross test remaining, the French team is on the verge of claiming their first overall victory since 2017.

Women’s World Trophy: Australia Closes the Gap

In the Women’s World Trophy, Australia made a strong move, winning day five and closing the gap with the United States. While Brandy Richards from the U.S. was dominant, the Australian team is within striking distance as they head into the final test.

Junior Trophy: A Close Battle Between Sweden and France

The Junior Trophy remains highly contested, with Sweden holding a narrow lead over France after day five. Max Arland’s incredible ride widened the gap, but France managed to reduce it slightly. With just one more test to go, this fight is far from over.

The final day will feature the motocross test, a thrilling conclusion to this year’s event. Stay tuned for full coverage on Enduro Channel!

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