Israel talks about the killing of Iranian soldiers on the borders of Azerbaijan… and Tehran comments

Arabic – Sputnik News, Opinions & Radio

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Israeli media claimed that three Iranian soldiers were killed during the Iranian army’s maneuvers that took place on the border with Azerbaijan.

The Israeli Army Radio reported, through its account on “Twitter”, that “three Iranian soldiers were killed by a missile fired by an Iranian helicopter during the “Khaybar Fateh” maneuvers that Tehran conducted against the background of the emergence of tensions between them and Azerbaijan at the border between the two countries.”

דיווחים באיראן: 3 חיילים איראנים נהרגו מירי שגוי של מסוק קרב לעבר כוח שהשתתף תרגיל תרגיל עירי שגור @amirbarshalom

— גלצ (@GLZRadio) October 2, 2021

However, the commander of the Iranian army headquarters in the northwestern region, Brigadier General Ali Hajilo, denied the validity of these allegations, stressing that the maneuvers were It was successful and no one was killed or injured during it.

An #Iranian army commander rejects rumors on result during drills in NW #Iran. “No one was killed nor injured in the war games. The drills were successful, conveyed message of peace to nations and a stark warning to enemies esp. #Israel…” said Gen. Hajilo.

— Habib Abdolhossein (@HAbdolhossein) October 3, 2021

Last Friday, the Iranian army conducted military maneuvers in the northwest of the country. near the border with Azerbaijan, days after Baku criticized this step.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev criticized this step, considering it a “very surprising event”. “This is their sovereign right,” he said. “But why now, and why at our borders?” The Iranian Foreign Ministry responded by emphasizing that holding military exercises is a “sovereign” decision and that it will not tolerate the “existence of the Zionist entity” on its borders,” referring to the increasing military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Israel.

For its part, Israeli media reported that “The government of Azerbaijan is holding talks with the Israeli authorities about the possibility of signing an arms purchase agreement in a new deal that could amount to two billion dollars.” Follow more from Iran News on the Sputnik website.

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