It is planned to establish an accommodation branch for asylum seekers in Liepna Parish

It is planned to establish a branch of the accommodation center for asylum seekers in Liepna Parish with a capacity of up to 250 people. It will be administered by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs

The OCMA explained the idea of ​​a new asylum accommodation branch with the prevailing geopolitical challenges in the world, which could lead to an increase in the number of asylum seekers .

In order to ensure the successful operation of the branch, the OCMA will look for support staff – drivers, 24-hour duty officers and additional support staff – among the residents of local parishes. Thus, it is planned to make a contribution to the economy of Alūksne region. Funding from the European Union will amount to approximately EUR 700 000.

Like the Mucenieki Center, the new asylum accommodation branch will be

If necessary, the OCMA will cooperate with the State Police in order to maintain public order.

OCMA plans to use the boarding school building of Liepna boarding school in case the accommodation capacity of the center “Mucenieki” is exceeded.

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