It is said in the grid

That the mayor of Tampico Chucho Nader ratified the Most of the women in secretaries, such as Sandra Muñoz in Culture, Elvia Holguera in Tourism, Socorro Delgado in Economic Development and Gloria Alfaro in the Women’s Institute. New to the list is Teté Gorordo, former councilor in the previous council, who now heads the Passport office.

That ironically, Tamaulipas is considered “the energy state par excellence” but in the LXV Legislature in the Congress of the Union there is no federal deputy of the state in said commission in San Lázaro, installed this Friday. It is headed by the morenista Manuel Rodríguez González and almost all the fractions are represented.

That In a thousand and one ways, PAN militants asked their leader Luis René Cantú to send people from the party to the colonies in Tamaulipas. Followers and the structure still faithful to his house reported the presence of Servants of the Nation in the houses; However, the leader of the caucus in the local Congress is more distracted with parliamentary affairs.

That through a private investment, which is currently under management, it was revealed that a professional baseball park was built in Ciudad Madero with the name of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The project is promoted by railroad workers near the urban corridor and the proposal, they say, was presented to Mayor Adrián Oseguera Kernion.

That drew attention that in the opening session of the ordinary period last Wednesday, the deputy for the PT, José Braña Mojica did not fix the position of that party, unlike legislators of the other political forces. Could it be that he is going to move to Morena’s bench? Wow, the PT has gone bad lately.

That Maki Ortiz has no qualms about sowing doubts about whether she will go with Green if she is not nominated by Morena and, on the contrary, encourages them. Yesterday he was in Ciudad Victoria and said that you have to wait for the time to make decisions. She also claims to have a very good relationship with López Obrador because, she says, when she was mayor, she supported all his projects. _

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