It turned out how much the epidemic cost rescuers last year


In his statement, Pál Győrfi wrote that in 2021 more than 1.2 million cases were treated and in addition they had to organize 1.3 million epidemiological samples due to the pandemic. , and to implement it, which was “a major ordeal for the National Ambulance Service and all ambulance workers.” The work of the 8,500 rescue workers was supported by thousands of volunteers and a number of support organizations across the country, in line with the burden of the epidemic.

The National Rescue Service was also able to maintain its budgetary stability. As highlighted, this is “a great achievement, especially in view of the fact that the rescue service had an additional cost of around HUF 6.5 billion in connection with the coronavirus epidemic.”

Sampling and covidos During the transport of patients, the units covered many millions of kilometers and used tens of millions of protective equipment, wrote Pál Győrfi, adding that the ambulance workers worked a significant amount of overtime. In this connection, however, he noted that the necessary cover for the additional costs due to the epidemic would be provided by the government and the operational staff.

Pál Győrfi also drew attention to the fact: it continued to rise with wage increases in January. “The additional expenditure related to the epidemic should no longer affect the smooth running of the rescue operation,” he emphasized, adding that the Ministry of Finance was now providing direct and stable funding in line with costs through a so-called budgetary supervisor .

“One of the most important results of the fight against the coronavirus was the protection of workers against infection,” wrote Pál Győrfi, who also proves that ” managed to keep it below 1 percent “.

Cover Image: Getty Images

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