Italy entry requirements for UK travellers and the Covid rules in place

Transport Secretary confirmed Covid travel rules are being relaxed for UK arrivals next month

Covid-19 travel rules for UK arrivals will be eased next month in a welcome boost for half-term holidays.

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Covid restrictions are still in place in Italy (Photo: Getty Images)

Mr Shapps said the policy for post-arrival lateral flow tests had “outlived its usefulness” and said the change will help to get the aviation industry back up and running.

Travel rules are also being eased for arrivals who are not fully vaccinated, as they will no longer be required to self-isolate from 11 February, and the testing requirements they face are being reduced.

He said: “Today, I can announce that passengers who do not qualify as fully vaccinated will no longer be required to do a day eight test after arrival, or indeed to self-isolate.

“They will still need to fill out a passenger locator form to demonstrate proof of a negative Covid test taken two days before they travel and they must still take a post-arrival PCR test.

“This is a proportionate system that moves us a step closer to normality while maintaining vital public health protections.”

Mr Shapps said the changes will help to bring international travel “back to the good old days”

But what are the rules when travelling to popular holiday spots abroad? Here’s everything you need to know about Italy’s Covid restrictions for UK visitors.

What are the entry requirements for Italy?

From 1 February, visitors arriving in Italy from the UK must have had their last vaccine dose within 180 days for the vaccination certificate to be considered valid.

All travellers aged 12 and above must present a Green Pass, also known as an EU digital Covid certificate, or Super Green Pass to board an international flight from Italy.

The Green Pass certifies full vaccination, recovery from Covid or a negative test result, while a Super Green Pass only certifies vaccination or recovery.

Those who are fully vaccinated can enter the country without having to self-isolate, but must:

  • fill out a passenger locator form before arrival 
  • show proof of a negative PCR test taken within 48 hours before, or a negative lateral flow taken within 24 hours before.

All arrivals from the UK into Sicily will also need to undertake a rapid lateral flow test on arrival (administered by the local health authorities free of charge).

Those who are not fully vaccinated must:

  • fill out a passenger locator form before arrival 
  • show proof of a negative PCR test taken within 48 hours before, or a negative lateral flow taken within 24 hours before. You can book a ‘Fit-to-Fly’ Covid test through government approved providers, such as ExpressTest
  • notify the Prevention Department of the local health authority of entry into Italy. See COVID-19 regional telephone numbers for the contact details of local Italian health authorities
  • travel to their final destination by private transport only
  • remain in self-isolation for five days
  • take another PCR or lateral flow test at the end of the five day quarantine

Children aged 17 and under are not required to self-isolate if they are travelling with a fully vaccinated parent, and those aged five and under are exempt from testing.

What Covid rules are in place in Italy?

Face masks must be worn in all outdoor and indoor spaces in Italy, but children aged five and under are exempt.

The use of FFP2 masks is compulsory on public transport, in theatres, concert halls and cinemas and for sporting events until at least 31 March. Food and drink can also not be consumed in the these indoor locations

Until 31 January outdoor events in public spaces and concerts are prohibited, and discotheques and clubs are closed.

From 10 January until 31 March, a Super Green Pass is required to access certain venues and services in Italy.

It is required in restaurants, bars, hotels, all local and regional transport services (excluding taxis and international flights), museums, cultural centres, sports facilities and stadiums.

It is also needed to access some outdoor facilities such as restaurants, swimming pools, wellness centres and ski lifts, and to participate in celebrations following civil and religious ceremonies.

A Super Green Pass is also needed to access hotels and to travel on local transport, including the metro, trains, buses and domestic flights, from 10 January.

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