It's over: BlackBerry OS will stop working as of January 4th

BlackBerry Key2

© Gregor Gruber / Gregor Gruber

Now it’s really over. The mobile BlackBerry operating system will be completely and permanently discontinued from 2022.

BlackBerry stopped making mobiles years ago and Tablets to ship with its own software. But now it’s finally over: As the Canadian company announced will BlackBerry OS or BlackBerry 10 from 4. January 2022 will no longer work.

Anyone who is still using an old BlackBerry cell phone will no longer be able to use their device to its full extent from this point on, like the FAQ pages can be found. According to BlackBerry, Wi-Fi connections, SMS, data usage, phone calls and emergency calls will no longer work as usual.

Off for phones and software

BlackBerry Limited – that’s the correct name of the company – has been concentrating on Cybersecurity for a long time ). The mobile phone consumer hardware business was sold and licensed to TCL. The mobile phone software division was discontinued.

The last mobile phone developed by BlackBerry itself was the BlackBerry KeyOne from the year 2017. By the way, it ran on Android 7.1. From then on, the BlackBerry phones were designed and produced by TCL. However, none of these smartphones really caught on. 2020 the license expired and BlackBerry phones were history.



BlackBerry KeyOne


BlackBerry OS is history

Before BlackBerry switched to Android, the company used its own mobile operating system. The last release of BlackBerry OS took place in November 2008 instead. After that, the name BlackBerry 10 was used. The last version of this operating system was released in April 2016.

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